Tag Archive for: Educational Technology

Planning for Student Engagement in the Virtual Classroom

For many years, educators have been testing the waters of technological integration and teaching. The 2020 pandemic has accelerated this process. Like it or not, students and teachers now find themselves swimming in the ocean of virtual learning[1]—surrounded by hundreds of apps and online tools that promise to be the way of the future. Even the most tech-savvy among us have found ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of options.

There is so much technology available that deciding which tools to try can be daunting. Rather than focusing on the tools, however, teachers should take a step back and consider the learning. This isn’t new advice; we have been doing this in traditional classrooms for decades. We now just need to transfer this skill to virtual learning environments.
What do students need to do to accomplish the learning we are after? In their Distance Learning Playbook, Fisher, Frey & Hattie summarise the four basic functions of learning engagement:

  • Find information efficiently and be able to evaluate whether the information is useful, credible, accurate, and corroborated by other sources.
  • Use information accurately and ethically.
  • Create information such that its creation deepens one’s understanding.
  • Share information responsibly with audiences for a variety of purposes.”[2]

When designing lesson plans, teachers are constantly evaluating which of these functions their students need to maximise their learning and are providing opportunities for students to engage in activities that promote these functions. That process shouldn’t change as instruction shifts to virtual platforms.
True, it is easier in the short term to create several instructional videos and rely on them as the primary vehicle for transmitting knowledge. But we all know that teacher instruction does not automatically equate to student learning. In the physical classroom, the best teachers constantly move between different types of learning activities—some teacher-directed, others student-led. They move around, monitoring student engagement and providing support and encouragement, as students interact in multiple ways with the information being studied.
When making the shift to virtual learning, teachers should build lessons using the same thought process: what do my students need to do with this information to maximise their engagement in meaningful learning? Once that question has been answered, then choosing the right tool from the myriad of available virtual learning apps becomes easier.[3] What tool(s) will help students accomplish the learning you are after? Is this a tool that requires students to work together in real time? Or is it something that fosters asynchronous learning?  
One caution offered by Fisher, et al, is to “avoid overwhelming your students and yourself with too many tools.”[4] Choosing a handful of engaging tools, teaching your students how to use these (over time), and creating routines that allow the tool itself to fade into the background, so learning takes centre stage, are far more effective for promoting student learning than introducing new technology every week. Just because a tool is available and fosters a certain type of learning, doesn’t mean it’s the best option. Curate the educational technology tools you use in the same way you do in-person learning strategies. Sometimes less really is more.

Another caution these authors offer is the reminder that everyone benefits from breaks in screen time. If there is an offline option that serves the same educational purpose, even during distance education, take advantage of it. Then you can maximise the time you are “live” with students by prioritising “connection, discussion, and interaction.”[5]
The particular set of educational technology tools is far less important than the type of learning engagement you want for your students. Remembering this can lessen stress caused by the flood of apps inundating the field in recent months. Virtual instruction planned with these principles in mind benefits everyone—students and teachers alike.

Becky Hunsberger, M.Ed.

Coordinator of Global Teacher Education Services
TeachBeyond Global

[1] While schools in well-resourced communities have this option, there are many around the world for whom this kind of virtual technology is not really an option. At TeachBeyond, we feel a heavy burden for these schools and the students they serve. If you have ideas for how to support teachers and students in these environments, would you please reach out to OnPractice@teachbeyond.org? Thank you!

[2] Fisher, Douglas, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie. The Distance Learning Playbook: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Publishers, 2020. pg 104-105.

[3] For some ideas on how to replicate common in person learning strategies on line, check out this PDF: “Active Learning While Physically Distancing” by LSU.

[4] Fisher, Douglas, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie. The Distance Learning Playbook: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Publishers, 2020. pg. 109.[5] Ibid. pg. 116.

Photo Credits: Learning via Shutterstock. Math and Art via Shutterstock.

What’s your hook? Technology for Today’s Classroom.

23775190436_e198db1731_mEver since the introduction of the use of a slate and chalk in the classroom, educators have been looking for new and different ways of engaging students in their learning. Our challenge as educators is to discover the most effective tools for reaching a particular student or group of students. Technology is a prime hook for this generation.

In the 21st century, we have a veritable smorgasbord of technology, software, and apps at our disposal for instruction, research, collaboration, study, assessment, and record keeping.

Teachers have successfully implemented technology with their students in one, some, or all of these areas. Many apps and websites are free or offer free versions, making it easy to experiment and explore. My professional technology goal has been to locate and meaningfully implement one new tool –app, website, software– every year. Here are some of my favourite discoveries.

Instruction – Using technology for instruction or to enhance instruction has gone far beyond Powerpoint, an occasional video clip, or even YouTube. Khan Academy provides instruction on a variety of topics. Many teachers are creating their own teaching videos using something as simple as Educreations and posting to a web page or a more sophisticated open source learning management systems like Moodle. Zapation embeds questions within your video. QR codes provide instantaneous links to more information.

Tired of Powerpoint? Try Prezi. No budget for smart boards? Promethean’s free, simplified version of their Inspire software can be projected from a computer. Add a wireless mouse for your students and experience interactive fun. The Promethean Planet website contains a library of flipcharts for all ages, including game templates like this Jeopardy-style game.

Research/WritingWebQuest is a platform for authoring and hosting internet searches. For students, NoodleTools provides tools for research and writing processes. Citations become simple with EasyBib. Younger students or those with limited language proficiency can use words and pictures for their written presentations with Haiku Deck or MakeBeliefComix.

Collaboration – The Google family (docs, slides, sheets) is invaluable for collaboration. At ECA, we use these almost daily. Wikispaces is another popular site. Social media can also help inspire writing and collaboration. Student blogs, on sites such as Kidblog and Collaborize Classroom, motivate young writers – even primary age — and can provide helpful peer feedback while giving parents a portal to read their child’s work. These teacher-monitored, private sites can also serve as a platform for teaching real life skills related to on line etiquette and safety.

Study/Review – Years ago, one of the first sites/apps I used with my students was Quizlet — and I still love it! Flashcards, quizzes, and games help to keep interest level high. For studying and writing, my English learners prefer both the web sites and apps for Dictionary.com, Thesauras.com, with the word-to-word translation feature.

Assessment – Smart student response systems can be expensive. A free alternative—if students already have devices (smart phone, iPad, computer)—is Socrative. Socrative Teacher and Student are available on line or as an app. If accessibility is an issue, Plickers only requires one device used by the teacher. Back-channel chat tools like TodaysMeet also have classroom assessment potential.

Record keeping – If your school isn’t using an electronic grade book, check out LearnBoost or ThinkWave.

So, where does one begin? Any Internet search turns up more ideas than could be implemented in an entire career. Instead of allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by the choices, start small.

  • Select an area of your teaching in which you would like to implement new technology.
  • Choose one technology tool, and give it a try.
  • Allow yourself and your students multiple interactions with the new technology before deciding its value.
  • Take risks. There’s nothing wrong with taking delight in discovery and admitting that you don’t know all the answers!
  • Allow your students to collaborate with you while you share with your colleagues.


As with learning any new skill, we all have to start somewhere. As you step out in the area of technology, check out TeachBeyond’s Yammer group for Educational Technology. This is our in-house resource for discussing our discoveries, failures, successes, and insights as we try new educational technology tools. We can grow in this together, so please join the conversation, ask questions, and of course, share your discoveries!

Lynette Sorensen

ELL Coordinator, ECA Spain



Lynette Sorensen is in her third career as an educator. Currently the English Language Learner Coordinator at Evangelical Christian Academy in Spain, she embraces a love of learning and trying out new things – as demonstrated by the fact that she “retired” from public schools in Minnesota to take her current position.


Photo Credits: Fishhookswww.ilkkajukarainen.fi via Compfight cc.